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Be a Safe Driver

Stay Alert behind the Wheel, with Subliminal Messages
Be a Safe Driver Cover
  • MP3 includes relaxing audio
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Would you like to feel more confident driving? Want an effective way to achieve it from the inside out?

Driving gives you freedom and flexibility, but every vehicle can also be a dangerous weapon. To avoid accidents, you need to be wary and wise, keeping your eyes peeled at all times and not taking any unnecessary risks.

Drive Rationally & Responsibly

With the Be a Safe Driver subliminal session, you'll find the power to stay in total control while you drive!

As you listen, thousands of potent positive affirmations will work to influence your thinking, helping you put safety first.

You'll start to become more aware of everything around you, respecting other road users and their rights. You'll become calm and composed behind the wheel, taking your time to ensure you and everyone you're responsible for are protected.

Simply download the Be a Safe Driver subliminal session, pop on your headphones, and listen, to learn how to:

  • Drive with caution and care!
  • Feel confident and in control
  • Take your responsibilities seriously

Download the Be a Safe Driver subliminal audio now to make driving safety your number one priority.

How do subliminals work? What music mixes are included? What techniques are used?

Affirmations inside this album:

  • I am a responsible driver.
  • I am confident behind the wheel.
  • My driving is safe and controlled.
  • I respect other road users.
  • I am always aware of everything around me while driving.
  • I stay calm and composed behind the wheel.
  • I avoid taking risks while driving.
  • I drive carefully to protect myself and my passengers.
  • I am a responsible driver.
  • I take my time to minimize risks.
  • Every day my driving safety improves.
  • I'm a super safe driver.

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Lily Jensen Photo

“Self-change doesn't get easier than this. I know how powerful the Subliminal Guru MP3s are. I use them myself and recommend them to all my customers.”

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“This really works. It's easy, it's simple, it's powerful. You hit play and this audio helps change your thinking patterns. I love it.”

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“The most powerful, best value subliminal recordings around. You get 14 awesome MP3s with every single album. Just amazing!”

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