Stop Fidgeting
Keep Your Body Still, with Subliminal Messages

Would you like to be free of fidgeting behavior? Want a fast and effective method to fight it from within?
Despite what people think, fidgeting isn't just a nervous reaction. It can also be a sign of boredom, agitation, or a combination. It's only a problem when it gets in the way of other things you're trying to do, or when it becomes a nuisance to others.
Calm Your Body & Mind
With the Stop Fidgeting subliminal session, you'll regain control of your muscles and movements!
As you listen, thousands of powerful positive affirmations will rewire your mind, helping you relax and de-stress.
You'll start to focus on what your body is doing, keeping it in check from the inside out. You'll resist involuntary movements with ease, finding the power to remain calm and tranquil on demand.
Simply download the Stop Fidgeting subliminal session, put on your headphones, and listen, to discover how to:
- Be free from fidgeting forever!
- Feel more in control of your body
- Live a more peaceful and stress-free life
Download the Stop Fidgeting subliminal audio now to enjoy a peaceful, controlled, fidget-free future.
Affirmations inside this album:
- My body is relaxed and calm.
- I am perfectly still.
- My mind is peaceful and at rest.
- I have total control over my muscles.
- I choose to keep still and stay calm.
- I am able to relax deeply whenever I wish.
- Every day it's easier to stop fidgeting.
- I love being peaceful and serene.
- I take a calm and relaxed approach to life.
- I am at peace with myself.
- I easily resist involuntary muscle movements.
- I am free from fidgeting for good.