Be Cool About Your Ex
Make Peace & Move On, with Subliminal Messages

Are you having trouble getting over your ex? Want a quick and easy way to find some closure?
Whether you like it or not, relationships sometimes come to an end. But it's not a tragedy. As one relationship finishes, it opens up the possibility for new relationships to blossom, and should be greeted with open arms and enthusiasm.
Make the Most of Your Independence
With the Be Cool About Your Ex subliminal session, you'll find the strength to push those old feelings aside!
As you listen, thousands of powerful positive affirmations will infuse your mind, helping you move forward with your life.
You'll start to relax, enjoying your freedom on the one hand while forgiving your ex on the other. You'll realize that you deserve to be happy, knowing that someone else will come along to share your life with.
Simply download the Be Cool About Your Ex subliminal session, slip on some headphones, and listen, to discover how to:
- Stop worrying about your ex!
- Look forward to a new and exciting life
- Feel free and happy
Download the Be Cool About Your Ex subliminal audio now to put past relationships behind you once and for all.
Affirmations inside this album:
- I am able to make peace with my ex.
- I forgive my ex.
- My ex and I get on fine.
- I look ahead to new relationships.
- I wipe away any old feelings.
- I am happy being single.
- I enjoy having the freedom to do what I want.
- I know someone else will come along.
- I value my independence right now.
- Every day I miss my ex less and less.
- I know I deserve to be happy.
- I am totally over my ex.