Fight a Virus
Bounce Back from Illness, with Subliminal Messages

Would you like to recover quickly from viral infections? Want an effective method for boosting your resistance?
Despite advanced technology, viruses like influenza and the common cold can still wreak havoc. They cause runny noses, aches and pains, suck away your energy, and leave you feeling weak and run-down.
Enjoy Fast Recovery Times
With the Fight a Virus subliminal session, you'll strengthen your immune system from the inside out!
As you listen, thousands of powerful positive affirmations will change the way you think, helping you recuperate more quickly.
You'll start to feel stronger and healthier, improving the efficiency of your metabolism from within. You'll become more balanced in body and mind, able to regenerate healthy cells swiftly and effortlessly.
Simply download the Fight a Virus subliminal session, put on your headphones, and listen, to discover how to:
- Overcome viruses with ease!
- Love and nurture your body, inside and out
- Feel as fit as a fiddle
Download the Fight a Virus subliminal audio now to get the better of bugs for months and years to come.
Affirmations inside this album:
- My body is strong and healthy.
- I have an excellent immune system.
- I recover quickly from infection.
- I love and nurture my body.
- I take good care of myself.
- My body regenerates itself quickly and easily.
- I feel healthy and balanced.
- I have an efficient metabolism.
- I fight back disease and illness with ease.
- I bounce back quickly from any ailment.
- My bones and muscles are strong.
- I am as healthy as an ox.