Stop Lip-Biting
Leave Your Lips Alone, with Subliminal Messages

Would you like to get rid of your lip-biting problem? Want a way to eliminate it that's fast and easy?
People bite their lips for different reasons, but it's usually a sign of tension. What they often don't realize is that they're damaging the skin around their mouths, which could cause bleeding, broken skin, or even gum disease.
Enjoy Full, Attractive Lips
With the Stop Lip-Biting subliminal session, you'll find the willpower to avoid chewing on your lip and mouth!
As you listen, thousands of powerful positive affirmations will alter your thinking, making you less likely to bite your lips.
You'll start to become more respectful of your face and lips, controlling your impulses easily and automatically. You'll realize that you're stronger than any bad habit and be determined to stamp it out for good.
Simply download the Stop Lip-Biting subliminal session, slip on some headphones, and listen, to learn how to:
- Eliminate lip-biting from your life!
- Feel relaxed and more in control
- Maintain a healthier mouth and lips
Download the Stop Lip-Biting subliminal audio now to make your lip-biting habit a thing of the past.
Affirmations inside this album:
- Biting my lip is a habit I can overcome.
- I am stronger than any habit.
- Breaking bad habits is easy for me.
- I respect my face and lips.
- I have strong, unshakable willpower.
- I am in control of my impulses.
- I take good care of my lips and mouth.
- Lip-biting is easy for me to overcome.
- My lips are attractive and healthy.
- I easily resist biting my lip.
- I stay relaxed and calm at all times.
- I know I can leave my lips alone.